
Quorum and meetings of the Governing Body :

    • Meetings of the Governing body shall be held once in three months positively.
    • Notice pertaining to a meeting shall be served 10 days prior to the due date and this shall be mentioned in Agenda.
    • For Quorum presence of at least 1/3 of the members shall be essential. In case lack of Quorum meeting shall be adjourned and a fresh notice of at least 3 days should be issued.
    • The meeting shall be presided over by the President. In case of absence of the President, the Vice President/General Secretary/joint Secretary shall preside over the meetings.
    • One member shall have only one vote but in case of tie the President’s vote shall be decisive.
    • In case of a vacancy occurred in governing body due to any reason, the same shall be filled by the governing body by co-option.
    General Body Meetings:

      • The president of the Governing Body will preside over the meetings of the General Body.
      • The term of the Association will be from Ist January to 31st December.
      • Meeting of the General Body will be called by the General Secretary with the approval of the President and for the minimum of 15 days notice shall be required. Special meeting of the General Body shall be convened by the General Secretary if requested by at least 1/3rd of the members with voting rights.
      • Quorum will be, presence of 1/3rd of the number.
      • In case there is lack of quorum the meeting shall be adjourned for an hour and be deemed valid if at least 10% of the total members are present and participate.
      • General body meeting shall be held once in a year or more as may be necessary.
      • Each member of the General body would have one vote. Proxy vote would not be accepted except for Institutional members.